
Healthier Employees.  Healthier Organization.  Healthier Community.

The Delaware Valley Health Trust supports wellness programs and initiatives that encourage a culture of health for each member entity and healthy lifestyles for individual employees.  The impact is undeniable greater job satisfaction, better retention rates, increased productivity, and a boost in overall happiness and morale.  A healthier workforce also results in fewer claims and less risk generating benefits that extend to all members.

The Ultimate Win-Win-Win

The Health Trust relies on the latest science, policy, and local healthcare communities to create cutting-edge, high quality wellness programs to empower members to live healthier, more fulfilling lives.  Programs offer incentives for preventive health screenings and education as well as reimbursements for healthy living expenses that include weight loss program fees and gym memberships.  We also collaborate with each member entity to provide on-site services such as biometric screenings, lunch ’n’ learns, health fairs, and more! 

When employees take control of their own health and wellbeing with support and inspiration from their workplace, everyone wins. 

Managed Risk. Collective Rewards.

The Delaware Valley Trusts provide custom health, workers’ compensation, and property & liability coverage for public entities using a cost-effective risk-sharing model. Trust members are financial stakeholders who enjoy broader coverage, long-term rate stability, exceptional client service, and a wide array of exclusive value-added benefits.

Delaware Valley Trusts.  Let us manage your risk, while you realize the rewards.

When employees take control of their own health and wellbeing with support and inspiration from their workplace, everyone wins.