From property damage repairs to employment liability claims, public entities can easily be hit with unexpected costs that devastate budgets. At the same time, municipal managers face pricing volatility from commercial carriers that has made securing protection from losses increasingly difficult. The Delaware Valley Property & Liability Trust offers an alternative – quality property and liability protection at stable rates often well below those offered by the commercial market. The Trust is focused solely on public entities with coverage tailored to their unique exposures.
Property & Liability Trust members enjoy in-house claims adjudication and litigation management, customized loss control services, and a wide array of exclusive value-added services including best-in-class training programs. In addition, we return excess funds to members through cash dividends, multi-trust discounts, our Rate Stabilization Fund, and loss control grants, making the Trust an even more compelling option.
A New Way of Thinking about Property & Liability Coverage
If you manage a public entity and have grown frustrated with commercial market premium swings or broker-sponsored programs designed to generate fees and commissions, we can help. Allow us to provide a comprehensive proposal that will show you how the Delaware Valley Property & Liability Trust can reduce your net costs and afford broader coverage while receiving high quality services. Consider our Health Trust and/or Workers’ Compensation Trust, too, and take full advantage of multi-trust discounts that further lower already attractive premium contributions.
Delaware Valley Trusts. Let us manage your risk, while you realize the rewards.
DVPLT Liability Coverage includes:
General Liability including
Police Professional Liability
Business Auto Liability
Garagekeepers Legal Liability
Public Officials Liability
Fiduciary Liability
Excess Liability
Heart and Lung Act Liability
Sexual Abuse Liability
DVPLT Property Coverage includes:
Boiler & Machinery
Auto Physical Damage
Cyber (First Party Loss)
To learn more, contact Rick Mellor, Executive Director, rmellor@dvtrusts.com. Visit our Contact Us page for contact information.