
Delaware Valley Trusts maintains an in-house legal team to ensure that the Health, Workers’ Compensation and Property & Liability Trusts operate in accord with all legal requirements.  The Legal Department works closely with senior leadership across all Trust departments and external business partners to perform a wide array of functions, including coverage opinions, litigation management, vendor contract management and HIPAA compliance.  The Legal Department advises Executive Committee members on governance issues and meets and collaborates with state and federal legislators and regulators to ensure the Trusts interests are fully protected. 

Personalized Service. Value-Added Benefits.

The Legal Department seeks to bring clarity to an increasingly complex world by providing Trust membership with updates on legal issues that are relevant to them and their coverage – thereby minimizing legal risks. Our Legal Department is accessible to Trust members and enjoys providing guidance in a collaborative relationship.

Managed Risk. Collective Rewards.

The Delaware Valley Trusts provide custom health, workers’ compensation, and property & liability coverage for public entities using a cost-effective risk-sharing model. Trust members are financial stakeholders who enjoy broader coverage, long-term rate stability, exceptional client service, and a wide array of exclusive value-added benefits.