Event Overview

Open to DVWCT and DVPLT members at no cost.

This course is directed at the importance of maintenance crews and their operations in reducing municipal liability. The course helps participants understand and assess their major liability exposures by identifying high tort areas in roadway activities. It explains tort liability and the tort trial process, and presents the basics of implementing and maintaining a risk management program.

Intended Audience: As this course is directed at the importance of roadways and roadway maintenance operations in reducing municipal liability, the primary audience is everyone involved in municipal roadways. This includes: public works employees, roadmasters, street superintendents, elected officials, law enforcement personnel, municipal managers, engineers.

Location: Delaware Valley Trusts, 719 Dresher Road, Horsham, PA

You must register directly with LTAP at www.ltap.state.pa.us

Questions? Call 1-800-FOR LTAP (367-5827)

Click here to go to the LTAP website.

This event is available to Property & Liability Trust and Workers' Compensation Trust members. Please login to register.

Where & When
9 October 2019
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Questions? Please email cbigham@dvtrusts.com or call (267) 803-5720.